They really are the perfect candle- the candle is melted by a 25 watt light bulb so there is NO flame, NO smoke, NO soot and the wax never gets hot enough to burn your skin! This makes them perfect for homes with small children (especially the ones that are fascinated by candles or just like the idea of blowing the candles out), the mom that always worries that she'll forget to blow out the candle before leaving home (ME!), homes with pets and they are perfect for at work where candle's aren't typically allowed!
There are over 40 warmers to choose from (each are $30), plug in warmers that are night lights (super cute and the perfect gift for just $15) and over 80 different scents! When your candle stops smelling or you want to switch, simply pour the wax into a paper cup, wipe the warmer with a paper towel and start over with a new scent! How cool is that?? I leave mine on all day...
I took my stock to a holiday home show tonight in my neighborhood and they were a big hit! Everyone loved the warmers, the scents and went to was great! I burned the "sugar cookie" candle in the warmer and that one sold out. All my friends had so much fun smelling the scents and picking their favorites! I sold what I had and then I placed a large order tonight. I hope they really enjoy them as much as I do. I am sure they will! I've even got a website-
This morning I went to my last MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting for the semester at Riverpointe Church. Jill and Becky did a great job leading this semester! I enjoyed making new friends, reconnecting with old ones, and having an opportunity to fellowship with other women going through the same issues and joys all while raising a young family. This morning we decorated tables using different Christmas themes. Our table picked "Diva Christmas" and here's what ours looked like.
I haven't left a comment for a few days, but I definitely check the blog daily! I'm so happy about your Scentsy job, Claire. You needed something else to do -- HA! It's a wonderful product and company and I'm so proud of your sales. I hope Jackson doesn't try to climb the walls at home and leap off the ceiling! Or Teague either, since he loves to climb so much! Your MOPS table looked so pretty. It looks like a beautiful group of ladies, Claire. You are very blessed. But, like I've always said, the blessing is ours to have YOU as part of our family.
Ok, maybe I need to do it in the Spring! Ah, peer pressure!
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