Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I set a lunch date with Jackson this morning last minute. I told him I would come and meet him during his lunch time since he is "star of the week" right now. I asked him if he wanted me to wait and come on Friday and he told me he wanted me to come today.

I got ready and headed over to Campbell at 10:20- giving me plenty of time to park and head in to see my favorite 5 year old in the world.

I went straight to the lunch room and Jackson was no where to be seen!

I looked all around and then took a closer look at the tables for information about teachers and times. I found Ms. Janacek's table and my heart sank. His lunch began at 10:00 a.m NOT 10:30!!

I went back to the office bewildered- I didn't know what to do. The sweet ladies in the office told me to go by his classroom (which is typically a no no) to see if he was there so that I could explain. As I walked down the Kindergarten wing, his teachers (and several other teachers) saw me and immediately got Jackson. They knew that I needed to see him and he see me!

He came out of the classroom sobbing- he could barely breathe! As he wrapped his arms around me and shoved his face in my neck, I put my arms around him and we didn't say anything for the longest time...we just both sobbed!

I explained a little bit, but I knew he didn't care why I wasn't there...just that I wasn't so I didn't push the issue.

He will have McDonald's at 9:55 a.m. waiting for him tomorrow morning for our second lunch date.

If McDonald's doesn't make burgers that early, they will be tomorrow. No, really.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a precious, precious little boy.. and a precious, precious mommie. You'll both remember this forever and how much you love each other!