Monday, March 23, 2009

Bubbles, bubbles and the funniest things!

I took a closer look at the jets in my tub this morning and I was feeling overly ambitious so I turned the hot water on and filled the tub to the jets, dropped a little Simple Green all-purpose cleaner in and walked away. Voila! Instant clean, instant shine...or so I thought.
Bubbles, bubbles...everywhere!!! This is a visual of what happens when you put too much Simple Green in a jetted tub. When they boys saw it, their jaws hit the floor and Jackson immediately asked if they could play. Wouldn't that have been fun??! Then, we could have added Simple Green to Teague's new toy list!! whoo hoo!
One more thing to say about today's events and discussions. Jackson convinced me he was "sick" and he didn't need to go to school (this is the latest with him- he doesn't want to go) because of his ear infection. He is currently taking meds for it so I caved and let him stay home with me. He says the funniest things. First, we were outside swinging and he told me that he really was sick (oh really, I couldn't tell) and that he wasn't lying...or anyfing. Ok, I said. Then, I asked him what letter they were going to study this week (T) and what he would bring to show and tell that started with a T? He said a "transformer" of course and then he told me they were going to start studying the human body. They just finished up with their body so I quizzed him again and told him that I thought they had already studied the body. He said they had already studied the human body, but they were going to start studying the new one. Okay, alrighty then...
I came home to a dog that I swear is back at square one- she was doing so good and yesterday she peed right in front of to say, "this is the way I run things". The girls really do a good job with Lucy and so I asked him nonchalantly, "what happened while I was gone? Lucy was doing to good- she is just peeing and pooping everywhere! What did the girls do to her?". Jackson said that is wasn't the girls- it was Grand Dad. Poor Grand Dad (Not really- but that's a different story)!! So I asked him what he did to her. Jackson just shrugged his shoulders and looked at me and said, "I don't know...he just didn't do her right!". Silly kid!!


Swan Family said...

OMG that is funny!

Karen said...

I was there... it was definitely GrandDad and I don't know why either!

Unknown said...

WOw! My jaw dropped when I saw the tub too!